As a writer. Stage, screen, and radio.

Every Afternoon in São Paulo; Happiness Burning Ritual; Six Good Customers
15 minute plays
Microteatro (Spain)
directed by Fernanda Jaber
Jul-Aug at Microteatro

O Mistério dos Burros Perdidos
full-length play
Teatro Documentário (Brazil)
directed by collaborative ensemble
Sep. 21, 22: XV de Nov. Sq., Rib. Preto
Oct. 11, 12: Independência Park, S. Paulo
Nov. 24, 25: Ibirapuera Park, S. Paulo

Bandida, Cachorra e Louca
full-length play
Teatro Documentário (Brazil)
directed by Fernanda Jaber
Sep. 2, 3 and 4 at Fora do Eixo Festival

The Terrorist and the Protocol Guide
one-act play
Shanghai Repertory Theater (China)
directed by Fernanda Jaber
June Stravaganza. May 3 and 4
Ke Center for Contemporary Arts

The Wld Neighbour and the Willing Coward
full-length radio play
BBC World Service (U.K.)
directed by Marrion Nancarrow
BBC Radio 4, first broadcasted on Dec. 03, 2011

Four Parts Broken
40-minute play
National Theatre of Scotland (U.K.)
directed by David MacLennan
Feb. 21-28, Òran Mór Theatre, Glasgow
Mar. 1-5, Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh
De Versão em Versão
monthly sketch show
Saraiva Bookshop (Brazil)
directed by Rafael Carvalho
at Saraiva Bookshop, S. Paulo

Quem é?
online theater
Teatro para Alguém (Brazil)
directed by Rafael Carvalho
streamed live on Aug. 07, 2009
available at Teatro para Alguém

for the short-fim series Obituary Tales
CTR ECA USP (Brazil)
directed by Ricardo Mordoch
Shown at Int. Festival de Programmes Audiovisuels &
12es Rencontres du cinéma sud-américain (France)

Tudo Certo Para Dar Errado
full-length play / Dramatic reading
SESI British Council (Brazil)
directed by Ariela Goldmann
Dec. 03, FIESP Cultural Center